Physical Therapy

The Role of Physical Therapy in a Healthy Pregnancy

Let’s be real: pregnancy is wild. I’m currently expecting, and I’m ​not just living the journey—I’m navigating all the physical twists ​and turns that come with it as a physical therapist. The ​excitement, the anticipation, and yes, the backaches are all ​part of the package. While those body changes are natural ​(yay, baby!), they can also get pretty uncomfortable. But here’s ​the thing: the physical therapy I’ve been preaching to my ​patients all along? It’s been my personal game-changer. By ​offering tailored exercises, pain relief strategies, and some ​handy tips, physical therapy helps you glide through ​pregnancy, labor, and postpartum with a lot more comfort and ​confidence.

Why Physical Therapy During Pregnancy?

When you’re pregnant, your body starts to feel like a whole new world. Your posture, weight distribution, and muscle ​function all change (and not always for the better). I’ve noticed my own growing belly shifting my center of gravity, ​and let me tell you, my spine and pelvis - and ribs! - are feeling it. Throw in hormonal changes like relaxin loosening ​up all my ligaments, and, well, things can get interesting.

But here’s the good news: physical therapy can address all these issues and make the ride a whole lot smoother. So, ​let’s break it down—here are some major benefits I’ve seen, both as a PT and a mom-to-be.

Alleviating Common Discomforts

Raise your hand if you’re pregnant and have experienced back pain, pelvic discomfort, or sciatica. (If I had a free ​hand, mine would be up too!) All that pressure from your growing baby, combined with ligament laxity and postural ​shifts, can really throw things out of whack. But the right exercises can work wonders, strengthening your core and ​pelvic floor, and manual therapy and stretching can ease muscle tension. Here’s some of what we’re tackling:

  • Lower back pain
  • Hip pain
  • Round ligament pain
  • Pelvic girdle pain
  • Sciatic nerve discomfort
  • Urinary leakage
  • General nerve discomfort

I can confidently say, addressing these discomforts makes all the difference!

Enhancing Core and Pelvic Floor Strength

If you’re going to focus on one thing during pregnancy, make it strengthening your core and pelvic floor. It’s seriously ​that important. I’ve made this a priority for myself, and not just because I know how vital it is for preventing issues ​like postpartum urinary incontinence, diastasis recti, and pelvic organ prolapse. Safe, effective exercises can keep ​those muscles in top shape and even helps improve your recovery time postpartum. Trust me, both my patients and I ​can vouch for how much better pelvic floor health makes everything!

Promoting Safe and Effective Exercise

Staying active during pregnancy? Absolutely essential. But knowing what’s safe and beneficial? That’s where I come ​in. I’ve been helping moms-to-be design exercise routines that fit every stage of pregnancy—and yep, I’ve done the ​same for myself! Whether it’s walking, prenatal yoga, or modified strength training, these exercises will boost your ​strength, flexibility, and endurance (without overdoing it). Oh, and don’t forget: as we get closer to labor, mobility ​and relaxation exercises take center stage. It’s all about prepping for the big day!

Preparing for Labor and Delivery

Speaking of the big day, preparing for labor is kind of a major ​thing. I’ve been teaching my clients (and reminding myself!) about ​the importance of breathing techniques, labor positions, and ​muscle relaxation. These little tricks can help make labor a little ​less daunting and can even reduce the need for interventions. ​Plus, rumor has it they can shorten labor times. Yes, please!

(P.S. Check out our labor and delivery prep packages at ​!)

Postural Education and Body Mechanics

As my belly grows, my posture keeps evolving (and not always in the best way). That’s why I’m so passionate about ​helping moms-to-be maintain proper posture, whether we’re sitting, standing, or sleeping. And let’s not forget the ​everyday stuff: lifting, bending, and even getting out of bed—doing these things the right way can make a huge ​difference.

Physical Therapy as a Key to a Healthy Pregnancy

Here’s the thing: physical therapy isn’t just about pain relief (though that’s a huge part). It’s about empowering you ​to have a healthier, more comfortable pregnancy and setting you up for success in labor and beyond. As both a PT ​and a soon-to-be mom, I can’t recommend it enough!

If you’re pregnant or planning to be, incorporating physical therapy into your routine is one of the best gifts you can ​give yourself and your baby. Trust me, it’s worth it for a smoother, healthier journey through pregnancy, labor, and ​recovery.

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~Dr. Alina Wright, PT, DPT